Sunday, May 10, 2009

post op pics .... poor sister :O(

ok, first pic is her IV which, she did very well while they put it in.... only a few tears :( and then they quickly whisked her away to surgery. I didn't like how fast they took her away from me, I almost shed a few tears. Next pic is her asleep in the recovery chair, after we got the nausea under control, that's a whole other story. When I came in the room, when they FINALLY let me see her, I thought I would die, she was pitiful, and shaking.... and so sick to her stomach. I felt horrible, like I had made her do this horrible thing. Boy, mom's sure carry allot of guilt. ? ... anyway, they gave her some medicine and then a shot to help with the nausea, and she went to sleep and I got to take her home. She has 4 incisions, 2 pins, and 1 screw and god knows how many stitches .... She had to take tons of medicine, ice and 72 hrs of elevating her foot.
anyway, she is doing fine, 6 weeks out of school, work and on crutches, cant walk on her foot for 6 weeks... that's a long time. She hates the crutches ... this morning she was hopping around through the house, and all you hear is hop, hop, hop, .... and then you hear hop, hop, hop, plop ! yep, she fell .... her flip flop folded over and down she went, right on her bad foot..... but she is ok. I told her she is gonna really do some damage, but she doesn't listen to me.
all for now, keep you posted ... ha ha ! no pun intended.

Kristin's foot surgery, Thur April 30, 2009

this is pre-op for Kristin's bunion reconstructive surgery!
Notice she is sitting in the chair and not on the bed, she refused to get on the bed until she absolutely had too. Bless her little pea picking heart, she was scared to death! Next set of pictures, proceed with caution if you have a queasy stomach. :O)

partners in crime !

what more do I need to say ! :O)

what an amazing day !

so yesterday we went to the Race for the Cure! 15,000 people were there. We walked as Alaska Spirit Team, and met my mother in law, Cancer Survivor Becky Hickman, her mother Lois White, and sister Pam Friend. It was an amazing day, such an empowering feeling! Men, Women and children, the community, business, all coming together for the same cause, The Fight against Cancer! I was so proud to be apart of such an amazing event.